You can learn about your baby's motor development, social development and language development by choosing below.
5-6 Months
Engine Development
- Sits up with support.
- Holds their head upright when seated.
- Gets support from their elbows.
- Rocks back and forth.
- Transfers from one hand to the other.
- Examines the marbles.
- Reaches out using hand.
Social Development
- Recognizes the caregiver and begins to bond with them.
- Distinguishes faces.
- Calms down more easily with people they know.
- Shies away from people they don't know.
- Engages in game behavior for the first time.
Language Development
- Imitates adult sounds.
- Looks when their name is called.
- Makes lip sounds.
- Makes monosyllable, meaningless sounds.
- Uses gestures and facial expressions to reveal their wishes.