You can learn about your baby's motor development, social development and language development by choosing below.
9-10 Months
Engine Development
- Stands on their feet and hands.
- Gets off the ground.
- Walks with support.
- Holds objects with their hands.
- Stands up when they are held in one hand.
- Walks while holding both hands.
Social Development
- Holds objects with their hands.
- Stands up when they are held in one hand.
- Walks while holding both hands.
- Looks when a fearful experience is recalled.
- Recognizes the phrase "bye-bye" and waves.
Language Development
- Deliberately imitates the voice of another person.
- Makes various sounds in response to the person speaking to them.
- Makes sounds similar to speech intonations.
- Expresses their wishes through voice, gestures, and facial expressions without crying.
- Says, "Dad” and waves.