Pregnancy and the postpartum period is a period of increased vulnerability of the mother to weight gain and body composition changes. During lactation, weight loss can be achieved without adversely affecting milk production with a healthy and balanced diet and regular physical activity.
Breastfeeding supports weight loss.
While breastfeeding provides many benefits for the health of both mother and baby, it can also facilitate the mother’s weight loss process. The fact that breastfeeding increases the daily energy expenditure by approximately 500 kcal and facilitates the mobilization of adipose tissue stores with hormonal changes supports weight loss.
Avoid high calorie restriction.
High calorie restriction can negatively affect milk production. Therefore, low-calorie, restrictive diets that cause rapid weight loss should be avoided during breastfeeding. Daily calorie intake should not fall below 1800 kcal. Nutritious foods such as whole grains, meat, chicken, fish, turkey, eggs, dairy products, fruits and vegetables, legumes, oilseeds and nuts should be consumed in sufficient quantities.
Change unhealthy eating habits.
Weight loss can be achieved by changing unhealthy eating habits without serious restrictions in nutrition during breastfeeding. Small changes, can promote healthy weight loss such as preferring healthy cooking methods such as grilling and baking in the oven instead of high-fat cooking methods such as frying; reducing processed food consumption;, preferring healthy carbohydrate sources such as bulgur, buckwheat, whole wheat flour bread, legumes, fruits and vegetables instead of refined carbohydrates such as rice, white flour, sugar; consuming lean protein sources and drinking lots of water.
Do not skip meals.
Mothers may get hungry more often during lactation depending on breastfeeding. Skipping meals during this period may lead to overeating as a result of loss of appetite control and thus weight gain. Breastfeeding mothers have 3 main meals and 2-3 snacks a day, which will facilitate appetite control.
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- Lambrinou, C. P., Karaglani, E., & Manios, Y. (2019). Breastfeeding and postpartum weight loss. Current opinion in clinical nutrition and metabolic care, 22(6), 413–417.
- Kominiarek, M. A., & Rajan, P. (2016). Nutrition Recommendations in Pregnancy and Lactation. The Medical clinics of North America, 100(6), 1199–1215.
- Neville, C. E., McKinley, M. C., Holmes, V. A., Spence, D., & Woodside, J. V. (2014). The relationship between breastfeeding and postpartum weight change–a systematic review and critical evaluation. International journal of obesity (2005), 38(4), 577–590.
- da Silva, M.daC., Oliveira Assis, A. M., Pinheiro, S. M., de Oliveira, L. P., & da Cruz, T. R. (2015). Breastfeeding and maternal weight changes during 24 months post-partum: a cohort study. Maternal & child nutrition, 11(4), 780–791.