Diarrhea in infants can be defined as more than usual and watery stools and is a very common condition. Treatment of diarrhea varies depending on the causes of diarrhea. Some diarrhea may go away on its own, while others may require nutritional therapy or medical treatment.

Why does my baby have diarrhea?

Maternal Diet

Changes in the mother’s diet can affect breast milk, altering the baby’s bowel movements and causing diarrhea. Especially very spicy and sugary foods can trigger. In addition, the drugs used by the mother or some foods supplements may pass into breast milk and cause diarrhea in the baby.

Baby’s Diet

Bowel movements may be disrupted during the baby’s digestive system getting used to solid food, so diarrhea is a common occurrence in the first days of solid food transition. In addition, the drugs used can cause diarrhea. 


Gastroenteritis in infants is a very common disease that causes diarrhea and vomiting. The most common cause of gastroenteritis is bacterial or viral infections.


Using an unsuitable formula or changing formulas may cause diarrhoea. Babies may take a little while to get used to the new formula, and gas and diarrhea may develop in the process.

Cow’s Milk Protein Allergy

Diarrhea may develop in infants due to food allergies. Cow’s Milk Protein Allergy is the most common food allergy in early childhood. In food allergies, diarrhea may occur immediately after feeding, or it may develop hours or days later.

Rare Causes

Conditions that require medical treatment such as serious colon infections, C. difficile infection, cystic fibrosis, neuroendocrine tumors are among the rare causes of infant diarrhea.

Mild diarrhea can be treated at home.

Home treatment may be sufficient in mild diarrhea, but if there is bloody diarrhea, diarrhea lasting longer than 7 days, high fever, vomiting, signs of dehydration (dry mouth, dry skin, refusal to feed, crying without tears, constant sleepiness), a physician should be consulted.

Medication: Breast Milk

Breast milk helps to heal diarrhea and reduces the risk of dehydration by regulating the baby’s gut microbiota and strengthening the immune system. Breastfeeding should be continued at the same frequency in breastfed babies. Formula-fed babies should continue to be fed with the same frequency and without extra dilution in formula.

Don’t forget fluid supplementation.

It is of great importance to replace the fluid lost in the case of diarrhea in infants. Babies younger than 2 years old should be given 50-100 ml after each watery defecation, and babies over 2 years old should be given 100-200 ml of liquid after each watery defecation.

What should we pay attention to in complementary feeding?

Raw fruits and vegetables, fruit juices, sugary foods, excessive fatty foods and fried foods should not be given to the baby with diarrhea. Foods such as carrots, potatoes, rice and bananas can relieve diarrhea by increasing stool consistency. In addition, homemade yogurt and kefir may provide beneficial effects by supporting the intestinal microbiota.


  1. Guarino, A., Lo Vecchio, A., Dias, J. A., Berkley, J. A., Boey, C., Bruzzese, D., Cohen, M. B., Cruchet, S., Liguoro, I., Salazar-Lindo, E., Sandhu, B., Sherman, P. M., & Shimizu, T. (2018). Universal Recommendations for the Management of Acute Diarrhea in Nonmalnourished Children. Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition67(5), 586–593. https://doi.org/10.1097/MPG.0000000000002053
  2. Thiagarajah, J. R., Kamin, D. S., Acra, S., Goldsmith, J. D., Roland, J. T., Lencer, W. I., Muise, A. M., Goldenring, J. R., Avitzur, Y., Martín, M. G., & PediCODE Consortium (2018). Advances in Evaluation of Chronic Diarrhea in Infants. Gastroenterology154(8), 2045–2059.e6. https://doi.org/10.1053/j.gastro.2018.03.067
  3. https://www.seattlechildrens.org/conditions/a-z/diarrhea-0-12-months/
  4. https://medlineplus.gov/ency/patientinstructions/000691.htm
  5. https://www.healthychildren.org/English/ages-stages/baby/diapers-clothing/Pages/Diarrhea-in-Babies.aspx