Did you know that the nutrition program you apply during pregnancy is important for your baby’s growth-development, general immunity and even brain, eye and intelligence development?

Nutrition during pregnancy is one of the most important issues for both your general health and your baby. In addition to regular nutrition and attention to nutrient content, the amount of cooking is another issue to be considered. The sample nutrition program can be increased or decreased individually. It is also recommended to use olive oil as a source of oil for meals. An interval of 2.5-3 hours between meals is the most appropriate interval for the diet.

Below is a sample nutrition program for you. It should not be forgotten that the diet is personal.


  • 1 glass of water Milk
  • 1 egg
  • 1 matchbox of cheese
  • 1 plate of tomato, cucumber and greens
  • 5 olives
  • 1 teaspoon molasses
  • 2 thin slices of bread


  • 1 serving of fruit


  • 5-6 spoons of vegetable dish (with olive oil)
  • Meat/chicken/fish (about 4 meatballs, 100 gr)
  • 1 small bowl of yogurt (125 ml)
  • 1 thin slice of bread


  • 2 servings of fruit
  • 10 hazelnuts or almonds


  • 1 ladle of soup
  • 6-7 spoons of legumes
  • Season salad
  • 1 small bowl of yogurt
  • 3-4 tablespoons of rice or pasta


  • 1 glass of water milk